
Github2 0.6.2

It even comes with support for issues, followers network and more.Features:Users: Searching Getting User Information Getting User Network Following Network Issues: List a Projects Issues View an Issue View Comments on an Issue Open and Close Issues Add...


Kombu 3.0.26 updated

AMQP stands for Advanced Message Queuing Protocol.While it's still a niche technology it's also very powerful and slowly but surely seeing a rise in usage for creating real-time communication applications.Kombu provides a wrapper for most AMQP features,...

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Celery 3.1.18 updated

Celery was initially created for Django, but is now a Python-friendly app as well.It was designed to work with asynchronous task/job queues either in real-time or for scheduled operations.Celery was tested and is being used in production environments to...


django-kombu 0.9.2

django-kombu is a Django app that enables you to use the Django database as the message store for Kombu.To use you first have to add djkombu to INSTALLED_APPS, and then execute syncdb to create the tables.django-kombu contains a single transport,...

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Literal 1.0.0

Literal is a project to create a way to generate Python code with Python code. Instead of having string literals of Python code, you use objects that remembers the operations done to them, and the history of operations is the resulting...

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celerymon 1.0.2

celerymon is a real-time monitoring of Celery workers.InstallationYou can install celerymon either via the Python Package Index (PyPI) or from source.To install using pip: pip install celerymonTo install using easy_install,:easy_install...