
Drush 8.0.2 / 7.0.0 / 6.6.0 updated

The module itself doesn't provide any actual tools or commands but the API. Installation Untar the tarball into your module directory (sites/all/modules) Enable drush.module and any submodules you want to use. You must enable the CVS or wget modules...


rdf-raptor 1.99.0 updated

It is a Raptor RDF parser wrapper for the RDF.rb library.Features: Requires the Raptor library and utilities to be available. Based on the rapper command-line utility bundled with Raptor. Parses and serializes RDF data from/into the RDF/XML or Turtle...


RDF.rb 1.99.0 updated

Because its based on the autoloading feature in Ruby, it means that the developer can generally make use of any one part of the library without needing to load up the rest.Features: 100% pure Ruby with minimal dependencies and no bloat. 100% free and...

RDF is a W3C standard for modeling and sharing distributed knowledge based on a decentralized open-world assumption. Any knowledge about anything can be decomposed into triples (3-tuples) consisting of subject, predicate, and object; essentially, RDF is...

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SPARQL 7.x-2.0-alpha4 / 6.x-1.0-alpha1

SPARQL is a query language with a syntax that resembles SQL.All SPARQL queries are made against the Drupal RDF API.Installation: - Go to [Administer >> Reports >> Status report] to make sure you've successfully installed the ARC2...


OpenPGP.php 0.0.1

Defined by the RFC 4880 standard the class can encode and decode ASCII-protected OpenPGP messages. OpenPGP.php is currently used with the OpenPGP Drupal module.Features:Can handle encode and decode operations Can parse OpenPGP messages PGP 2.6.x...

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