
Getleft 1.2

Getleft is a Web-site grabber. Given a URL, it will download a complete site according to the options specified by the user. It changes the original pages, and changes all the links to relative links so you can surf on your hard disk. The program has...


Getleft 1.2

Given a URL, Getleft will try to download all links. As it goes, it modifies the original HTML pages so that the absolute links get changed to relative links, and links to active pages get changed to the resulting pages. Getleft project supports thirteen...


Getleft 1.2

Getleft is supposed to download complete Web sites. You give it an URL, and down it goes on, happily downloading every linked URL in the site. While it goes, it changes the original pages, all the links get changed to relative links, so that you can...