Advanced SQL To HTML Table Converter is a relational database client utility that allows execution of SQL (Structured Query Language) statements on Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL databases. Result sets returned by select queries are automatically...

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Advanced Database Query is a relational database client utility that allows execution of SQL (Structured Query Language) statements on Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL databases. Result sets returned by select statements are automatically persisted as CSV...

Advanced CSV To PDF Table Converter is a utility that allows execution of SQL (Structured Query Language) statements on CSV (Comma Separated Values) files. Resultsets returned by select queries are automatically persisted as PDF files to a directory of...

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Reliable Load Tester automates load and stress testing of Internet / Intranet sites and services. The application supports two modes of operation: load and stress testing through submission of a pre-defined number of HTTP GET requests, load and stress...

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Reliable Network Configuration Viewer is a utility that simplifies the task of accessing networking configuration on Microsoft Windows servers and personal computers. The application allows users to copy their networking configuration to clipboard for...

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Reliable E-Mail Alerter is a scriptable SMTP e-mail client utility that sends out pre-configured e-mail messages. The application comes with an XML configuration file that maintains the following information: SMTP server name or IP address, port used for...