AK-Matrix is an innovated technology that can simulate the human mind in teaching. One of the exciting features in AK-Matrix is the ability to learn and try in the same time. Instead of going to read or watch more and more about any programs and return...

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New logic to monitor (16bit-32bit-64bit applications, non-device driver service, device driver service). Monitor executable .exe file (all events) creating, changing, renaming, and deleting. Release the following: operating system error, operating system...


AK-Isolator 2.0.1

AK-Isolator is a new logic to protect your files from worm viruses and trojan viruses. All you have to do select the files that you want to isolate then your files cannot delete or rename or change ultimately but you can run or open your files without any...

AK-Player (Windows Vista) is an freeware player run under Windows Vista and it's come with many new features (Unlimited Video Zoom, Open many videos on screen at the same time, speed feature to slowdown or quicken videos/audios, and internal search...

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Protect your PC from current and future viruses as well. Protect your operating system from viruses, spy programs, suspicious applications, and malicious programs. Control what other users do through your password.What is new in this release:Version 3.1...

Free TV

Free TV 1.0

This toolbar allows you to watch your favorites TV channels for free, you can easily open many channels at the same time if you have high connection. Also it's allow you listen freely to a variety of radio broadcast. Also it supports downloads for...

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A free and simple calculator makes your equation easy to read, easy to write and easy to modify and it also analyse the result. Instead of entering your equation one by one you easily enter it once. AK-Calculator will make some changes to your equation to...


AK-Player 7.0

AK-Player is a completely free media player download which allows you to watch any streaming video files from sites such as YouTube offline. When you watch a movie file over such a website, the stream is saved to your temporary Internet files folder which...