
Almanac 1.1

Almanac calculates the equatorial coordinates of the sun, the moon, and the planets. Using these results it can calculate the times of rising, setting, and meridian transit for each of these celestial bodies. Additionally, it can calculate the beginning...

Numerical Plotter enables you to plot the solutions to scientific and engineering problems. The Visual C++ programming environment was chosen for realization of numerical computation techniques. Visual C++ includes many advanced features that make it...


TimeWarp 1.1

TimeWarp is a utility to set a computer clock to official US date and time. It sets your computer's time for your time zone from a master atomic clock by using your computers modem. This utility runs on an IBM PC with MS-DOS. Timing messages from either...

Sets class was developed as an accessible package that allows you to perform set operations in your programs. It represents set elements as bits in a private array of unsigned long integers. The array size is a defined constant which can be changed to...