This Unreal Tournament 2004 map was originally meant to be a remake of Deck16 but eventually became something great on it's own. Excellent map architecture and atmosphere make this a great addition to your map collection. Meant for 2-4...

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SWAT 4 1

Within the city, crisis and turmoil are an everyday, every second occurrence. When ordinary means of law enforcement are not an option, there is a group that is called upon to dole out justice to those who believe they are above the law. This highly...

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Earth assumed the destruction of the Makron would end the siege of the cybernetic Strogg, but it didn't. Quake 4 begins where Quake 3 leaves off. The Strogg are quickly regrouping. However, with the Strogg's planetary defenses still destroyed, Earth's...

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Breed is an action based game set both in Earth orbit and on its surface. From the orbiting USC Darwin the player launches attacks against the Breed, the aggressive biomechanical race infesting Earth. Once the Darwin is discovered the Breed will launch...

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On a future devastated Earth, powerful, corrupt corporations control remaining technology and rule what's left of society. Pacification Squads, a brutal private police force, maintain order for the corporate syndicate. The only hope for freedom is a small...

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