Locates and removes many new dangerous files including spyware, malware, viruses, worms, trojans, and adware. This program is specific because it detects dangerous files that many other popular programs cannot locate. Also it offers full report of active...

Locates and removes many new dangerous files including spyware, malware, viruses, worms, trojans, and adware. This program is specific because it detects dangerous files that many other popular programs cannot locate. Also it offers full report of active...

Virus Detector is very powerful spyware, firewall protection tool against viruses, worms, and other dangerous software that could attach while surfing the Internet. It detects more than 90% viruses, worms, and other dangerous software. It has two parts:...

Stop spending time and money on outdated, slow anti-virus programs that promise you miracles but do nothing. Smart Anti-Malware is a small, innovative, fast and reliable tool that will surprise you with speed and efficiency of detection, it will locate...

Malware Uninstaller (19.6.2015) Uninstall all kind of Pop-Ups, malicious aggressive browser plugins, toolbars and keep your computer safe. What does Parasite Browser Plugins Do? Browser Plugin is an add-on for Internet browser that provides...

Malware Inspector is an anti-malware and antispyware tool that protects your computer against viruses, worms and other dangerous software that could attach while surfing the Internet. Malware Inspector creates file information database of files with...

RemoveIT Pro Ultra

RemoveIT Pro Ultra 2015 updated

Locates and removes many new dangerous files including spyware, malware, viruses, worms, trojans, and adware. This program is specific because it detects dangerous files that many other popular programs cannot locate. Also it offers full report of active...

Tiger Toolbar Removal (27.8.2014) Locate & Remove all kind of malicious agressive Toolbars and keep your computer safe. Detect Adware & Parazite Browser Plugins (Toolbars) that slows down your computer, collects your private data, are used to harm your...