Url Snooper Portable provides a one-stop easy solution to finding the URLs for all streams. It does this by watching network traffic and identifying potential urls, especially streaming media urls. Many links to streaming audio and video that you come...

CDS Corporate allows your employees to instantaneously find files, emails, attachments and many other content types stored anywhere on their computers and on the enterprise network. CDS is designed for home users, professionals and small businesses who...

Important WWW for Windows 8 is a list of major active social networking websites and excludes dating websites (see Comparison of online dating websites). For defunct social networking websites, see List of defunct social networking...

flickrPaper brings you the daily selection of 'interesting' photos for you to review, share, browse and select as your lock screen. You save, edit, share the photos and by linking directly to Flickr you can follow up on the work of the individual...

With PikWall for Windows 8 you can search for pictures people are tweeting about. The latest media tweets containing that term along with the tweet will be displayed. You can also search by username and see their latest picture...

Good Keywords is a Windows Software for managing your keywords. Features include import keyword CSV files from Google Keyword tool into a local database on your hard disk, query the local database to find the required keywords, create long tail keywords...

KeywordPad is Windows software for managing large keyword lists used in your Internet marketing campaigns. You can also use it to generate long-tail keywords. Features include remove duplicate keyword phrases from large lists, sort keyword lists...

Keyword Strategy Studio is Windows software for finding unique and new keyword ideas that are based on the current trends, popularity, and buzz. Keyword Strategy Studio uses a different approach to do a deep analysis of the subject you are interested in...