This modification is the same as Diablo II except you can buy all the runes from Akara for one gold piece, and the runes will go to the next rune all the way to Zod and then back to El. There are no added rune words.Requirements:Windows 95/98/NT/2000,...

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Now you too can stick a psi-blade into your friends and favorite baddies as Betsy Braddock a.k.a. Psylocke. Psylocke is the sister of Captain Britain. She is a telepath trained in the ninja arts and later exposed to mystical Crimson Dawn energies....

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This is the 1.10 Harbinger patch. It includes a fix for the Water and Booka quests, and fixes other glitches as well.Requirements:Windows 98/Me/2000/XP, 650 MB disk...

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