
JS.Class 4.0.5

It is a port and advanced implementation of Ruby's core object/module/class system in JavaScript code, as well as several standard Ruby libraries and various other extensions.Features:General Features: Method binding Ruby-like object system with classes,...


Six 0.0.12

Six enhances the JavaScript syntax with new features currently under development with ECMAScript 6.Works with client-side (browsers) and server-side (Node.js) environments.Also comes with AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition)...


Morph 0.3.7

I can create class definitions via calling assignment methods at environment runtime.Features:It can work with files like: XML TSV Hpricot ActiveRecord What is new in this release:Don't mix in private methods when Morph is included. Requirements:Ruby...


RLua 1.0 / 1.0.beta1

It contains almost the full coverage of the Lua C API, seamless translation of Lua and Ruby objects into each other and calling functions of each language from other one.Hashes and Arrays are translated recursively: all keys and values are translated...


facade 1.0.5

The facade pattern is a software engineering design pattern commonly used with object-oriented programming (OOP).In fact, the library wraps singleton methods from another classes as instance methods of the currently used class.What is new in this...


Pyret 0.5

Racket is an interactive, integrated, graphical programming environment for the Scheme, MzScheme, and MrEd programming languages.Pyret is loosely based on Racket, serving as a basic scripting utility, with a basic Python-like syntax.Writing code in Pyret...


Qore 0.8.11

It also supports run-time language extensions through modules, suitable for interface development, application scripting, SQL integration, etc..What is new in this release:Added the Qore::AFMap and Qore::AFStrMap constants Added logic to the default file...


Gauche 0.9.4

It will allow programmers and system administrators to write small to large scripts for their applications.Gauche is a script engine in the sense that it reads and evaluates the source code, but internally it compiles Scheme expressions into an...