Radical new concept in information management, intelligently displays news and information from any source. It also does Stocks and Shares prices. It includes many features that mean you can just concentrate on your work and it will get all the news and...

Omea Reader

Omea Reader 2.2.1

Omea Reader is a free all-in-one RSS reader, NNTP news reader, desktop search, web bookmark manager, and information organizer. If you're serious about staying up to date, then Omea Reader is for you. Categorize your on-line resources and organize them...

News Messenger

News Messenger 4.0.3809

News Messenger allows you to read Atom and RSS feeds and can even HTML pages so you can read headlines from sites that don't support syndication. Features: supports Atom 1.0 and all the various RSS feed formats, automatic discovery of RSS feeds for a...

RSS Bandit

RSS Bandit

RSS Bandit is an RSS and Atom reader written with the .NET Framework. Features include the ability to view news items in customizable newspaper views, the ability to synchronize the read and unread state of the application across multiple computers via...



Easily create, edit and publish rss feeds and podcasts. New RSS feeds and podcasts can be quickly and easily created with FeedForAll. Advanced features enable you to create iTunes compatible podcasts. Existing RSS feeds generated by other means can also...

Brand My Site will look at different websites, products and advertising, then share our views and what works well. The Brand My Site application will help you to stay up-to-date with the latest activity and thoughts from Brand My...

RSS Popper

RSS Popper 0.39d

RSS Popper is a news aggregator add-in for Outlook. News items delivered directly to Outlook as e-mails. No need to use a separate program for reading RSS anymore. All RSS/RDF/Atom formats are supported. Ut features Outlook Express 6, supports all RSS,...