
NuGenConnect.Net 2.1.0613

NuGenConnect.Net (Formerly NuGenRas.Net and NuGenVPN.Net--now combined) is a fully managed .Net Win form component with extensive RAS client capabilities. All RAS and VPN client protocols, settings, encryption algorithms, and connection types are...

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NuGenMeters.Net is an extensive collection consisting of roughly 500 controls. Each of which, including two generic versions (allowing for custom performance counter adaption) are written for and expose real-time data for most system (focusing mostly upon...

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NuGenSQLWorks.Net is a fully managed .Net Winform control which encapsulates some of the most important functions of the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager. Yet, because all functionality is within the control itself, you can literally place on a...

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NuGenUnify will combine your .Net assemblies in to one for deployment or development. NuGenUnify is a UI wrapper application for ILMerge, making ILMerge easier to use and less error prone for the user. Multiple assembly selection, 100% point-click...

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