Weekly Schedule

Weekly Schedule 2.9.8 updated

Events will be displayed inside a tooltip. The calendar can be styled using CSS. All events can be added in the back-end. Installation: Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in...

Modal Dialog

Modal Dialog 3.4.3 updated

Every facet of the Modal Dialog plugin can be configured from a special section in the WP backend panel.This includes colors, modal behavior, welcome text, the number of times it is shown to an user, etc..Installation:Unpack and upload it to the...

Link Library

Link Library updated

Link Library allows links to be organized in categories or archives to be displayed when a user searches for related objects.The plugin is perfect for building a web directory service.Support for RSS feeds is included.Installation:Unpack and upload it to...

Events Listing Widget

Events Listing Widget 1.2.7 updated

Events Listing Widget allows a webmaster to add upcoming events as a WP custom post type and store them in the same database as WordPress.Then he can list them in the front-end with the help of a sidebar widget.Events can be managed/edited in WP's...

Tune Library

Tune Library 1.5.4

Music files can be managed and displayed from the plugin settings page in the admin backend.By default, an alphabetical list will be shown on the library's frontpage.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the...

Bug Library

Bug Library 1.3.5

Works by allowing users or admins to add bug submissions to the WP DB.These bugs can then be listed in the backend and the front end (via the [bug-library] shortcode).Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the...