Reorder Posts

Reorder Posts 2.1.4 updated

Metronet Reorder Posts is a powerful plugin that enables drag and drop reordering of the post index list.Admins can easily graph a bar (with the post title) and move it around to a new position in the index.Besides posts, custom post types and pages are...

Metronet Profile Picture

Metronet Profile Picture 1.2.1 updated

Metronet Profile Picture enables site members an option which will allow them to customize their profile's avatar.Users can choose from an image in the Media Library or upload their own.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/...

Metro Share

Metro Share 0.5.8

Metro Share adds social sharing buttons to the site's frontend.Social sharing buttons and their settings can be tweaked from a special options page added to the WordPress admin panel.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/...