
GeoGebra 5.0.47 updated

GeoGebra is dynamic mathematics software for education in secondary schools that joins geometry, algebra, and calculus. On the one hand, GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry system. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections...

Small Stella is an ideal polyhedron program for schools or anyone interested in geometry. There are about 200 polyhedra provided, about 400 if you include their duals, and that's still not counting the infinite series of prisms and antiprisms. Best of...

Great Stella is the ultimate tool for creating, visualizing, and printing nets for polyhedra. It features compounds of polyhedra with their duals may be viewed, view cross-sections (or slices) through polyhedra, symmetries of any model may be displayed...


Stella4D 5.4

View polyhedra and 4D polytopes. Hundreds provided (Platonic, Archimedean, Kepler-Poinsot & all other uniform polyhedra, Johnson Solids, Stewart toroids, compounds, geodesics), plus all 1849 uniform 4D polytopes (the only place all these can be seen)....


SigmaGraph 2.6.0

SigmaGraph is a data plotting and analysis software designed to be lightweight, reliable and easy to use. SigmaGraph runs on XP, Vista and Windows 7/8, and will be ported to GNU/Linux. SigmaGraph offers almost all the functionality needed by scientists...

You can use Calculator to perform simple calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and percentage. You can perform calculations by clicking the calculator buttons, or you can type calculations by using your keyboard. You can...