
RankDummy 1.6

RankDummy! obtains the page and rank of your web sites listed on the top search engines Google, Yahoo, AOL, Lycos, Altavista, Looksmart, and Inktomi. This automated tool makes it quick and easy to rank all your web pages in the major search engines with...

Using EmailUnlimited, you can easily send HTML e-mails to all your customers right from your desktop computer. In contrast to other solutions, EmailUnlimited will not utilize your ISP's SMTP server, instead it delivers your e-mail through our...

Connection types: Bluetoothdongleswith Microsoft working drivers only. Discovering: Discover all devices in range. Receiving: Receive files from all devices in range. Sending: Send files to all devices in range. Server: Activate server that will discover...

The free QR code generator allows you to generate qr codes quickly and easily. After you create create a QR code just print it out and place it around town or anywhere your customers are. Get more visitors to your Web site with his free QR code generator...

This program outputs a nicely formatted affiliate product search box with a maximum of 5 keywords of your choice that can be listed below the search box. You input you're clickbank affiliate id and choose up to 5 keywords. The software can output html,...

Article Blog Worker is an intelligent article creation and submission tool that can generate high-quality and keyword centered articles in up to one minute and submit all the articles to hundreds of WordPress blogs. This software can replace the...

A Google Adwords tool to get more clicks but waste less money. Using Google's exact match option, you miss many clicks. Using the broad match option, "red cars" would match "red apples" and "blue cars". Use this tool to match only valuable phrases. Other...