
GeekBuddy 4.27.385231.172 updated

Comodo GeekBuddy is a personalized computer support service provided by highly trained experts at Comodo. If you experience any issues at all with your computer, simply click the GeekBuddy icon to establish a chat session with one of our technicians....

PC SpeedCat

PC SpeedCat 1.2.5

Your PC may be capable of a lot more than it's letting on. File associations, 3rd party programs, indexing, graphic enhancements, and so many more things all demand resources from your PC and slow it down. PC SpeedCAT works to manage your PC's resources,...

PC Fresh

PC Fresh 2016 updated

PC Fresh customizes the look and feel of your operating system. It can change many hidden settings, optimize your drives, speed up your programs using our turbo mode. and you can view information about your system. The customize module provides access to...