Pearl Linux MATE is an official edition of the Pearl Linux operating system built around the classic, old-school MATE desktop environment, a GNOME Classic derivative. The distribution is dubbed “the ultimate Mac OS alternative” and provides...

Revolution OS is an open source, lightweight, complete, fast and free computer operating system, a distribution of Linux based on the Linux kernel and derived from the Manjaro Linux OS, which in turn is based on the highly acclaimed Arch Linux distro. It...

SparkyLinux Razor-Qt is an open source Linux distribution built around the Razor-Qt desktop environment and based on the latest stable branch of the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. SparkyLinux is generally a fast, simple and intuitive Linux...

OSLtriX Lite is an open source, free, eye-candy, elegant, attractive, stable and reliable GNU/Linux operating system based off of Xubuntu, an official Ubuntu flavor that uses Xfce as its default graphical desktop environment.Differences between OSLtriX...


OSLtriX 1.3

OSLtriX is an open source, eye-candy, stable, portable, easy to use and reliable distribution of Linux derived from the world’s most popular free operating system, Ubuntu. It is built around the lightweight, productive and elegant Xfce graphical...


3du-Arch-Uni 14.12

3du-Arch-Uni is a pure, easy-to-use, easy-to-install and open source Arch Linux derivative designed for Russian-speaking users and comprised of several utilities from AUR, a custom made installer written in Bash, as well as a the lightweight Xfce...

Manjaro by Phoenix is an open source and freely distributable desktop-oriented operating system derived from the user-friendly Manjaro distribution, which in turn is based on the Arch Linux OS. It is designed especially for Russian and Ukrainian...

Gigastrand OS is a self-supported, freely distributed and user-friendly GNU/Linux operating system specifically designed for Mac or Windows users who want to migrate into the open source world of Linux. The distribution is designed to be easy to use,...

Play Linux

Play Linux Alpha 4

Play Linux is an open source distribution of Linux derived from the world’s most popular free operating system, Ubuntu, and optimized for gaming. It has been engineered to automatically configure your video cards for gaming and designed as a...