Gentoo Linux

Gentoo Linux 20170907 updated

Gentoo Linux is an open-source and independent Linux kernel-based operating system designed from the ground up as a DIY (Do It Yourself) distribution of Linux where each package must be manually configure and compiled prior to installation or...

Gentoo Linux LiveDVD

Gentoo Linux LiveDVD 20160514 updated

Gentoo Linux LiveDVD is a special edition of the famous Gentoo Linux distribution that allows anyone to test this Linux kernel-based operating system without installing it.It’s distributed as a dual-arch Live DVDThis is an official Gentoo project...

Lilblue Linux

Lilblue Linux 20140517

Lilblue Linux is an open source Linux operating system based on the Gentoo distribution. It is designed to be used on embedded system and provides a security-enhanced, full-featured Xfce desktop environment, built on uClibc. Actually, Lilblue Linux is...