
Gurukulum 1.0

Gurukulum is an Educational Software by Ostrich India. This software will help your child to pickup basics about English, Numbers, Colors, Analytical skills and Computers. Entire software developed with speaking animated characters and back ground...

Kid Key Lock's purpose is to lock specific keyboard keys/combinations and specific mouse functions. Kid Key Lock can be used to prevent accidental presses of the right mouse click, double click, and key combinations such as Alt-F4, Alt-Tab, the "Start"...

Controlling each PC it is installed on, ModemLockDown either allows internet access or it doesn't. With either the click of a button or use of the time limit controls, as the supervisor, you're in control of when the internet can be accessed and when it...

Three modes of operation are provided - standard, interactive and timer mode. Options include maximum number used and a sound or mute option for the voice. This version is Kid Safe, full screen application with no links to social media and...