This applet can show a burning clock in real time. You can customize: image to load; background color; text size, font, and style; fire intensity; interactivity.Requirements:Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XPLimitations:Nag...

This applet displays a 'snowfade' effect between images. The user can define: image and overimage to load, overtext, fade speed, snow speed, number of flakes, and more.Requirements:Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XPLimitations:Nag...

JGraphpad is a diagram editor based. With JGraphpad, you can create flow charts, maps, UML diagrams, and many other diagrams. The program features: paint program-like interface for authoring content; object library with flexible creation and management;...

This software is a drawing graphic interface for Web pages and forums. With this applet, your visitors can draw and save and view their drawing on your Web site. This application could be used in a discussion forum, for example, where your visitors will...

NET Clock is an implementation of New Earth Time concept. New Earth Time divides a day into 360 degrees and a degree into 60 minutes. Time zones are no longer needed since the NET is the same in each corner of the world. The NET Clock is a java...'s gutenberg.class applet is a script-based typer. You create a simple script, read by the applet, which it then types to the screen. The applet offers complete control over text color, font, size, style, and positioning; supports a...

CCalendar is a calendar applet. You can use it as a real calendar choosing the global appearance and the photo you want to show. You can use it as help for you site's user to enter date in a form field. CCalendar support multilanguage for days and months,...

This category is a collection of 2 useful web components: Emailer applet and Banner Applet. Emailer applet can send mails directly from the browser. It does not require any CGI on the server, this feature makes it ideal for all kind of users. Banner...