You've all seen the regular 1D site menus, but here's a new one that's 2D. Only a 14 kB download for your visitors and would make a great index page.Requirements:Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XPLimitations:Only for non-commercial...


ImageRing 1.0

Displays user-defined images in a ring. Each image is clickable to a load a link in any frame. Just put ImageRing.class and ImageRing.jar in your html directory. You can change the frame speed.Requirements:Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XPLimitations:Only for...


AnimMenu 1.0

This applet lets you add menus to your pagee. You can specify animation parameters: number of frames when highlighting, time between frames, background image, font size. Put AnimMenu.class, KLMenu.class and AnimMenu.jar in your html...