Large Crystal Icons is a collection of stock images representing all kinds of crystals and gems - from ice and snowflakes to rubies and diamonds. Technically, the collection includes icons in a variety of resolutions (16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48,...

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A collection of 3D (isometric projection) icons depicting various objects of city infrastructure, Desktop Building Icons are here to help design the look and feel of a perfect architectural planning or mapping suite. Desktop Building Icons make for a...

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It is obvious, that education had always been the best possible investment. And, so are the educational tools. Whether you are designing an application for schedule management, a school web-site, or just customizing your desktop to help you learn, a...

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Designing an application for a mobile device takes all sorts of icons. The navigation and authorisation ones are certainly needed, as well as the connection, call status and multimedia icons. Ordering all those separately might leave you with a pretty...

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Black Hands Icons is a collection of royalty-free icons representing various universally recognizable gestures and hand signs. There are icons for numbers from 1 to 5 (and zero), thumbs up and thumbs down, victory, handshake, prayer and more. Each image...

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Computer Icons

Computer Icons

High quality professional royalty-free stock icons for your software, website, GUI design, presentations or other purpose. Our icons are the best way to improve the look of your products with minimum graphic design experience. All our icons are...

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Art Icons

Art Icons

High quality professional royalty-free stock icons for your software, website, GUI design, presentations or other purpose. Our art icons are the best way to improve the look of your products with minimum graphic design experience. All our art icons are...

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Festival Icons

Festival Icons

High quality professional royalty-free stock icons for your software, website, GUI design, presentations or other purpose. Our art icons are the best way to improve the look of your products with minimum graphic design experience. All our art icons...

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Office Icons

Office Icons

High quality professional royalty-free stock icons for your software, website, GUI design, presentations or other purpose. Our art icons are the best way to improve the look of your products with minimum graphic design experience. All our art icons...

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Women and their beauty have always been the driving force behind a lot of things men do. An image or photo of an attractive female instantly draws the attention of any man and can be used to manipulate their actions - especially if we are talking about...

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