Word Icon Library is a collection of royalty-free stock icons for use in commercial and personal products, including word-processing applications, graphic editors and personal information managers. Icons are carefully created pixel by pixel by the...

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Universal Shop Icons focus on serving your users and viewers with beautiful graphics that reliably convey key information. Make your website or application easier to use and more visually appealing with this set of professional icons. Choose from several...

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Creation of a convenient and intuitive user interface requires solid knowledge of usability basics and immediate availability of high-quality graphic materials and art. If you are a developer or a UI designer in a company that releases several...

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Let your Tizen applications and Web sites look great! Enhance your new product or Web site with readily-available, professionally-designed Tizen Toolbar Icons. Design a perfectly usable, slick and attractive user interface with great looking icons. Your...

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Here is a Free Retina Icon Set, which will help each iPhone or iPad application developer make high resolution GUI for Retina displays. The icons from this set can be used in navigation, tab bars and toolbars, as they specifically meet the icon guidelines...

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The Free Gold Button Icons is a huge collection of high-quality menu icons created by professional artists. The range of topics covered by the collection is extremely wide: file operations, disk browsing, document editing and processing, data management,...

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This free icon set of Free Game Icons offers game developers a variety of images that will come handy for all the kinds of computer games you can imagine. It includes icons for Lock, Door, Apple, Chain, Jester, Wizard, and many more. All the images...

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The Free Dark Blue Cloud Icons is a huge collection of high-quality menu icons created by professional artists. The range of topics covered by the collection is extremely wide: file operations, disk browsing, document editing and processing, data...

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The Free Red Button Icons is a huge collection of high-quality menu icons created by professional artists. The range of topics covered by the collection is extremely wide: file operations, disk browsing, document editing and processing, data management,...

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The Free Mat Icons is a huge collection of high-quality menu icons created by professional artists. The range of topics covered by the collection is extremely wide: file operations, disk browsing, document editing and processing, data management, image...

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