
AwOken 2.5

AwOken is a full iconset Token-style.Developer commentsIt's a beta, cause I really don't know if It will work fine in every situation. It seems to work good in gnome as far as I can tell, but I don't have (for now) any feedback from kde or xcfe or openbox...

Crux-flame-H&S is an open source icon theme specially designed for the GNOME desktop environment. It uses the Hammer and sickle Metacity theme.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following tutorial:...

Wine Blue Remix is an open source icon theme specially designed for the GNOME desktop environment and for Wine users in Ubuntu.Wine Blue Remix is based on popular folder-icons from Rhor and the Ubuntu Style and Elementary Sky-Blue icon sets created...

As its name suggests, calibre-humanity is an open source icon theme for the Calibre e-book organizer software, based on the amazing Human style.To install it, extract the archive in the /usr/share/calibre folder, as root. In Calibre, go to Preferences ->...

iNX Icon set is an open source icon theme inspired by the look of the iOS mobile operating system from Apple.iNX Icon set is based on the Matrilineare and elementary icon themes.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the...

zen-icon-theme is an open source icon theme designed especially for the GNOME desktop environment. It contains two dark styles: zen-dark-panel for dark panels and zen-dark for dark themes.How to install?For detailed installation instructions...

gnome-brave-mono-light is an open source icon theme for the GNOME desktop environment. It depends on Gnome-Brave and MyElementary, which are included in the archive.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following tutorial:...

Faenza Icons for LibreOffice 4.0.0 is an open source icon pack based on the Faenza, elementary, and Mint icons, specially designed for the LibreOffice office suite.The Faenza Icons for LibreOffice 4.0.0 package includes an installation guide, as well as a...

Skull-Of-Anup-3 is an open source icon theme for the GNOME desktop environment, featuring skulls and woods. It also works with the KDE desktop environment.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following tutorial:...