Get a dedicated icon editor and seven sets of icons in a quick-start package. Icon Design Pack bundles IconLover, a highly acclaimed icon and small graphics editor, with seven high-quality icon collections to offer designers and software developers an...

Desktop Buffet Icons is a collection of royalty-free icons that includes a wide variety of images related to cooking and restaurant and hospitality business. It includes icons representing various meals, drinks as well as images of restaurant staff. Each...

Large Vector Icons is a collection of stock icons representing a variety of objects and concepts. They can be used in software interfaces or website design. High-resolution icons (512x512 pixels) are perfect for splash-screens and can also be used in...

The collection of Large Boss Icons include highly detailed images representing various kinds of leaders and forepersons: from army and police officers to corporate executives, from members of royal family to teachers and administrators. The icons feature...

Icon Locator is a handy tool for any fashion-conscious user. It allows you to scan and extract icons from virtually any location, be it a local file or folder, zip-archive, rar-archive, Mac OS file or a website. Collected icons are stored in libraries...

The interface is the first thing to which users pay attention when using software. The usability and appearance of a user interface are mostly defined by the graphic elements used within it. That is why it is so important to use high quality, professional...

Add professionally designed icons to your software projects just became easier. Professional bar icons are instantly available, royalty-free pictograms actions, objects and symbols commonly used in software bars. Almost a hundred large icons available in...

Lookup USA and Canada towns by ZIP, postal code or name and show them on a North American map. This helps you to check customer information, verify postal addresses, and reduce credit card fraud. Using the program is simple. Just enter a ZIP Code, and the...

Metro Icon Editor is your way for creating and editing PNG-packed Windows Vista icons; icons in either standard or custom sizes, in color depths up to 16 million colors; icons for Windows 8 in 32-bit color depth with 8-bit alpha channel. It offers a...

CustomIcons is an ultimate tool for customizing the icons on your desktop, in Windows Start menu, for your folders and many other locations. Using CustomIcons you can easily replace default Windows icons with the ones to your choice and customize a wide...