Do you like cooking? Do you have a kitchen-drawer full of cut out recipes? Can't find your favorite recipe? With Recipe4share you can have your recipes organized into categories and subcategories and mark them as your favorites. Organize your recipes at...



MakuaMon is designed for adults, students, parents, teenagers and kids. For everyone passionate about gaming or any time consuming computer activity.Don't just block computer usage, enable productive computer use by targeting time wasting apps and...

Having minute to minute updates regarding the weather on one's desktop is quite useful for many. Be it the current conditions or a forecast, the Free Desktop Weather app is an ideal choice for a screen saver. It is free of cost and can be downloaded by...

This is a fabulous painting programme for kids. It's simple with a clear interface, large set of brushes and colourful stamps. Also including the typical functions of paint. Your kids will love Little Painter. Little Painter supports most popular image...