
Exhibition 1.0.2

Exhibition can be very useful for huge image lists.When the user clicks on an image, that image is moved to the center of the browser, moving the entire page around it.Exhibition can work as an image slider in a vertical or horizontal layout, perfect for...


Kittydar 0.1.7

Kittydar can detect faces for all forward-looking cats.Besides detecting how many cats appear in a photo, Kittydar can also draw a box around their faces as well.Works similar to human face detection scripts, using a simple contrast and feature...


Blindify 0.2.0

The blinds transition effect has been made famous by Microsoft's PowerPoint tool.It works by cutting an image vertically or horizontally in equal slices and moving them out of view, bringing in the new content in sliced format as well.While there are...

ClassyCompare basically overlays the before & after images, adding a mouse cursor-controlled slider, to remove or apply a mask to the top image.The plugin can be used to showcase changes made to an image, showing the initial image, and the one resulting...


ClassyLoupe 1.2.0

ClassyLoupe works by attaching a special handler to the mouse cursor.Every time a user hovers the mouse over an image, a loupe is shown around the mouse cursor.This loupe will help the user focus on the image around the mouse cursor, and if a zoom effect...

jQuery Cover

jQuery Cover 1.0.0

The CSS 3 "background-size: cover" property will take an image and display it on the page's background, filling in the entire screen, without leaving any kind of whitespace.As the browser is resized, so is the image, making sure it always covers the...


ClassyPicozu 1.1.2

Picozu is a tool created by Marius Stanciu-Sergiu, built in Javascript, HTML 5 and CSS3, allowing users to draw and do photo retouching, just like in Photoshop. The ClassyPicozu jQuery plugin allows developers to embed Picozu with their sites and...

jQuery Image Cube allows developers to build some unique image galleries.Instead of showing photos with a linear left-right display timeline, jQuery Image Cube uses a spatial domain to build a 3D cube and places the photos on top of the faces.To rotate...