
jsAscii 0.1

The library takes an image, opens up an HTML 5 canvas element and prints out the image using ASCII characters.Works with any image type and even HD photos.A demo is included with the download package.Features:Set ASCII art resolution level Set ASCII art...


randimgur 1.0

randimgur can be used in simplifying the browsing experience for Imgur fans that are tired of all the ads, lengthy comments, and other useless content blocks that do nothing but slow the site down.This simplifies everything by just loading the image.This...


MaxImage 2.0.8

It will automatically resize a background or embedded image at browser resizing.Every time a user resizes the browser, the images will resize with it, while retaining it's ratio.The images can resize based on the width only, the height only, or...


Roundify 22/02/11

Roundify hides the image and overlays on top a span with the original image set as the background.It then adds the rounded corners to the span, achievable via simple CSS 3.Customizable options include the radius size, border color and border width.The...

Elevate Zoom

Elevate Zoom 2.5.3

Elevate Zoom is the perfect tool to add to your online store or image gallery.It allows users to inspect a thumb and see it at its natural resolution via a popup zoom box.A simple example is included with the download package.Features:nothing foundWhat is...


imgAreaSelect 0.9.10 / 0.9.11-rc.1

Can be used in image processing applications for cropping or adding notes to a small area.The callback functions (onSelectStart, onSelectChange, and onSelectEnd) are passed two arguments.First argument is a reference to the image, the second is an object...


Grumpy 1.0

Grumpy Cat meme photos are sweeping the Internet right now, and the Grumpy Web app is a perfect tool for creating your very own personalized Tard the grumpy cat funny images.To use, just download, unzip and access the index.html file.At first it will show...