A version of the classic Invaders game for the Windows platform. This version is aimed at ladies who are sick of their fella being more interested in beer, sport and TV than he is in them. Or maybe he just leaves the toilet seat up. Either way, this is...

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An Invaders type game aimed at the Windows platform. All games on MyInvaders.com can either be installed or you can download the .exe file which you are free to distribute. This version of the game is for manly types who have no affinity whatsoever with...

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This is a version of the classic Invaders game, designed to run on a Windows platform. It's free and you may install it on your PC or simply download the .exe file which you can distribute as you wish. This version is the first release on CNET...

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This is a version of the classic invaders game for the Windows platform. If you are sick of highly paid footballers falling over constantly on your TV, then this is the game for you. It is free to use and can be either installed or you can download and...

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This is a Windows version of the Invaders classic but with a French theme to it. The Invaders feature symbols associated with France and their rugby team, as well as a certain well known general. The game is free to use, copy or distribute. This version...

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This is a WIndows version of the classic Invaders game. As the name suggests, this one has a distinctly American theme. Are you brave enough to take on the US Invaders? Beware, you never know where they'll invade next. This version is the first release on...

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A Windows version of the classic Invaders game but themed in a distinctive Welsh style. The Welsh of course are an ancient race, winners of rugby's Grand Slam in 2005 and 2008 and as tough as the coal, slate and gold they have mined for generations. You...

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Irish Invaders is a Windows version of the classic invaders game. This version come with an Irish theme so it's green and more green with a hint of the black stuff, just for variety. The game is free and you can choose to either install it or download the...

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