An RSS widget from Emerging Earth, a blog on emerging Internet technologies. Emerging technologies changing your world.What is new in this release:This version is the first release on CNET Download.comRequirements:Windows 2000/XP, Yahoo Widgets...

Here is a sliding grading tool for teachers and students. Just slide the card to show the number of problems in an assignment and you get the corresponding grades for the number of wrong answers. The widget provides grades for assignments with 6 to 99...

This Wordpress plugin/widget SpicyPipes, once installed and configured displays question and answer from Yahoo answers and related photos from Flickr. Your Wordpress blog reader also can type any question and click the button ask me, and this plugin...

A new Reuters TV widget that reads RSS video feeds from Reuters (8 channels), performs XSLT transformation into HTML, and uses DHTML animation effects. It features a small video player (WebClipping) and uses bidrectional widget to DHTML communication.What...


MouseMeter 0.1.9

MouseMeter is a program that performs different measurements of your work with the mouse, such as total distance, current speed, average speed, and others. The data can be compared with statistics for other users.What is new in this release:Version 0.1.9...

This Widget actively pages a download page of your choice returning your connection rate within the Widget based on a delay you can define from 2 - 60 minutes. You need to register for a free account to activate the Widget and log the stats.What is new in...