This program displays notes on desktop. This program stores notes in TXT files. TXT file name content of the note (so you can easily locate it in folder). Notes can be edited using this program, Notepad or any other text editor. Notes are stored on hard...

Weather Manager is a discrete weather monitoring program that runs in the task bar. Simple and to-the-point, It receives its information online and then displays all data within the options form, including current condition, temperature, and humidity of...

My Site Monitor

My Site Monitor 1.2 beta

With My Site Monitor you can: continually monitor your site's or blog's availability. Play WAV, MIDI, or MP3 files when errors are detected. Log errors to a text file. This version is the first release on CNET is new in this release:This...


Timer 1.01

Timer was inspired by Dominik Staros's Job Timer Widget and redesigned to have a cleaner look. Features include create multiple timers (limited only by your machine) and run simultaneously, the ability to pin and save timers and filter which ones to...

A small streaming classical radio station on your desktop. This version is the first release on CNET is new in this release:This version is the first release on CNET XP/Vista, Yahoo Widgets...

Want to know if the next episode of hit the ABC television show LOST is new. Just start up this Widget and it will tell you whether or not you need to cancel your Wednesday night plans to stay home and watch this awesome show. This version is the first...

Click "Play" to hear your computer speak the entered text. You can save typed text to function keys and play up to 12 saved messages at random intervals. Remember to adjust the frequency in Preferences. This version is the first release on CNET...

Serenity Countdown

Serenity Countdown

This is a countdown Widget that accepts a user defined date and then, um, counts down to that date. Currently set by default to celebrate the up-coming international "Serenity Day" on June 23, 2006, it displays Misbehavin on Serenity Day in:" and then the...