The English to Pirate translator converts plain English into Pirate. For example, enter "Hello there miss, I'm Mr. Moses. It is a fine day for some lunch", and click the translate button to get "Ahoy thar Wench. I'm Cap'n. Moses. 'tis a fine day fer some...

This widget will let you view your events watch list using Dashboard. Simply enter your username on the flip side of the widget. This widget is Universal.What is new in this release:Made widget more robust when reading Upcoming data....

Try to clear the board by jumping pegs over other pegs. The "jumped" peg will be removed from the field. If there's more then one move available, just choose which move you would like to do. You win by getting it down to just one peg (The best solution is...

Run online surveys, polls, contact forms, newsletter signups, lead generation anything with a web form. Keep track of your stats from the comfort of your Mac OS Dashboard.   The SurveyGizmo widget gives you the best of both worlds. Use SurveyGizmo...


DailyTao 1.2.3

DailyTao is a Dashboard Widget for Mac OS X 10.4. It displays a new chapter of the Tao Te Ching each day, for your enjoyment and enlightenment. The data is downloaded from, a website run by the widget author. The passages are from Stephen...