
jStepper 1.5.0

Steppers are usually seen on e-commerce sites, as a quick way of inputting prices, adjusting values, or increasing/decreasing orders.A stepper usually uses a preset value for increasing or decreasing the help value, usually "1" being the norm, but...


jQOSK 1.0

jQOSK can be used as a text input helper on pages accessible from devices with no keyboard or keypad.It can also be used in security applications as a way to avoid key loggers.jQOSK's keypad layout is customizable, allowing it to be used with...


mooSelecta 1.6.1

mooSelecta adds the proper support so the select element will be completely stylable via CSS.Instead of using various JS hacks that only hide the drop-down select and use images on top, this plugin can be loaded in their place, perfectly mimicking default...


checkedUI 1.0.0

checkedUI was created to simplify the process of adding custom styles to checkbox elements and radio buttons.But instead of letting developers use their own custom graphics, this plugin uses jQuery UI icons.Why you might ask? Because the default jQueryUI...


Behave.js 1.5

Behave.js transforms a bland textarea into a fully-working IDE, rendering it capable of recognizing code input, and adding special formatting as the user types.Textareas are universally considered dumb text zones because there's very little formatting...