Hindi Toolbar for Hindi sites on the Net with the links of all Hindi sites with live radio in toolbar with more than 90 live Hindi stations, live cricket score card, and RSS feeds of Hindi News sites and Hindi Blogs. This version is the first release on...

ThumbMeUp is social and searching utility, build with support of community that connects you with like-minded people and helps you discover, promote and share great websites, photos, clips, blogs and news online. It is a special tool for your FireFox...

This Xippee browser plugin works on all of your favorite search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN), with versions for IE, Firefox, Safari, and Opera. There is a quick 60 second demo on the Xippee home page. Version 2.5 has a few minor bug fixes.What is new in...

Firefox extension that is the first browser integrated calculator for Starkingdoms.com, a popular online ticker game.Star Kingdoms Round 21 calculators. Attack, Research, and Barrack Space. For easy access, convenience, and direct data gathering.What is...

FireTune for Mozilla Firefox was developed for an optimization of your browsing experience with Firefox. It is based on a collection of popular and well working optimization settings used and tested by the experts. Usually you have to optimize Firefox...


Accessibar 0.7.8

Accessibar is an accessibility toolbar for Firefox enabling easy, powerful and highly configurable manipulation of Web page display and text-to-speech output. Accessibar can change background, text and link colors of a Web page, increase line-spacing,...


Perspectives 2.0.11

This free Firefox extension contacts network notaries whenever your browser connects to an HTTPS Web site, providing two primary benefits: 1. If you connect to a Web site with an untrusted (e.g.,self-signed certificate*, Firefox will give you a very nasty...