With PowerInbox for Firefox you can enjoy your favorite social networks right in your Gmail, Yahoo!Mail or Hotmail and stay social without ever leaving your inbox. PowerInbox for Firefox lets you stream live social feeds from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,...

Browser Backgrounds is the new Firefox extension that lets you install backgrounds directly on your browser. Think about having your favorite music band or NBA player backgrounds right on your browser window, without leaving the browser and stopping the...

With Scroll Progress, an indicator is displayed in the top right hand corner of the page showing how far down you have scrolled down a page as a percentage. The indicator appears while scrolling the page and disappears shortly after scrolling stops. It...

Ambient Aurea for Firefox can easy focus the image you want to see in an other dimension. It has option to change the dark black color, interval in the option page, option to show the selected photo in a ambilight effect, and option to show the 'Share...


FDock 1.2.4

FDock allows launching of bookmarks by either switching to an already open tab, or launching a new tab if none exist. Tabs are grouped by site into groups. If there are multiple items in a group, clicking on the group opens a menu, listing the open...


FireSSH 0.94.2

FireSSH is a free, cross-platform SSH terminal client for Mozilla Firefox. This extension is completely written entirely in Javascript. FireSSH will perform tunneling.What is new in this release:Version 0.94.2 fixes bug with parsing OSC...

Walnut, based on icons from art.gnome.org. Includes support for help, inspector, download statusbar, download manger, calendar, quick note, offline, Google bar, and MAB. What is new in this release:Version 2.0.18 adds full theming for...

Nautipolis for Firefox, Based on icons from art.gnome.org. Includes support for Download Manager, TabMix Plus, Fusion, Forecast Fox, Google Bar, and Google Preview. What is new in this release:Version 2.0.18 adds full theming for...


Littlefox 2.0.18

Littlefox for Firefox is designed for optimal screen usage, leaving lots of room for browsing. It includes support for Forecast Fox, Tab Browser Preferences, Fusion, Reload Every, Stumble Upon, Gmail, Basics, Calendar, Download Status Bar, Tabx,...

Copy Urls Expert is an extension provides options to copy URLs of all opened tabs in current window, copy URLs of Tabs in all windows, copy URLs of all links in selected text, and copy URLs of all images in selection. It allows opening multiple links at...