DP Hash

DP Hash 1.02

DP Hash supports following hash algorithms like adler32, crc16, crc24, crc32, crc64, EDonkey, MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, Sapphire, Panama, Tiger, RipeMD128, RipeMD160, RipeMD256, RipeMD320, Haval128, Haval160, Haval192, Haval224,...

Cryptainer SE has all the functionality of Cryptainer, plus an additional password recovery feature. Cryptainer SE ensures your privacy by keeping your data private and secure on your PC as well as removable storage. Specially tailored to meet the growing...


OpenPuff 4.0

OpenPuff is a advanced watermarking and Steganography, or data hiding, program capable of storing up to 256MB of encrypted data using an invisible copyright mark in pictures, video, audio, and flash files.OpenPuff supports many carrier formats: images...