
AddHash 2.0

AddHash joins two or more Guidance EnCase and/or X-Ways Forensics hashset files to a new hashset file or convert them to an other format. AddHash removes duplicates and enables you to edit the name and category of hash files. AddHash needs no...


SteganoG 1.21

SteganoG store confidential data of any kind in a bitmap file that the image appears to be unchanged. A powerful compression and an adjustable image quality will also allow you to save relatively large amounts of data. For the security of your data, you...


htCrypt 1.1

htCrypt is designed to help you encrypt a given password so that Htpasswd can be used. Encryption is compatible with the UNIX command or PHP function "crypt". The Salt value is optional and the characters supported are AZ, az, 0-9, the dot, and slash. It...