
VMail 2.0.1

Tired of sending boring e-mails? Now you can send voice messages using your Gmail account. Forget about leaving voice messages on phones. With VMail you have the ability to send unlimited amounts of voice messages to everyone. Simply type their e-mail...

XiXi eMail Verifier is used to verify the email addresses are valid (format) and real existing on the email servers in BATCH mode, no actual eMail sending needed. Normally, you may use it to keep a reliable eMail addresses listing. It has the high-speed...


RMmail 1.1

RMMail is a command line tool to retrieve email which supports : POP3 - POP3 over SSL - IMAP4 - IMAP4 over SSL. RMMail can : list the contents of your email box - delete emails on the server - download with or without attachments - leave a copy on the...

Pegasus Mail is a free, standards-based electronic mail client suitable for use by single or multiple users on single computers or on local area networks. It has special support for Novell NetWare LANs that allow it to operate intuitively and with almost...

Get notified about new emails in your outlook.com, live.com, hotmail.com, mail.google.com, mail.yahoo.com, facebook.com, twitter.com, e.mail.ru, IBM / Lotus Notes, mail.virgilio.it and www.zoho.com inbox. This is a replacement for the Windows Live...