
MConvert 9.0

MConvert includes the following 27 conversion groups and many subgroups: Acceleration, Angle, Area, Base, Consumption, Currency, Data Storage, Data Transfer, Density, Energy, Energy/Mass, Force, GPS, Illuminance, Length, Luminance, Mass, Permeability,...

Logic Minimizer is an innovative, versatile application for simplifying Karnaugh maps and logical expressions step by step. It is geared for those involved in engineering fields, more precisely digital and formal logic scholars and academics, digital...

UnitClassic-B is a unit conversion utility which includes engineering and fluid type of converters. It includes 352 numbers of units and 17 numbers of categories. Categories includes acceleration: angular, concentration: solution and data transfer, flow:...

UnitClassic-C is a unit conversion utility which includes electricity, magnetism, and sound type of converters. It includes 196 numbers of units and 20 numbers of categories. Categories includes charge, current, electric conductance, electric...

UnitClassic-D is a unit conversion utility which includes heat, light, and radiology type of converters. It includes 287 numbers of units and 18 numbers of categories. Categories includes digital image resolution, frequency wavelength, fuel consumption,...


HelpMesh 1.5.2

HelpMesh Document Database has a large number of software development documents, you can use HelpMesh to free access all data in it, we will continue to manage the database, and let them stay up to date. HelpMesh provides a way of interacting with the...