Decimal To Binary Conversion Decimal To Hexadecimal Conversion Decimal To Octal Conversion Binary To Decimal Conversion Binary To Hexadecimal Conversion Binary To Octal Conversion Hexadecimal To Decimal Conversion Hexadecimal To Binary...


DiaTrack 3.04

Benchmark object tracking software for 2D and 3D applications, such as biological imaging, rheology, or single molecule imaging. Reliably follow and characterize hundreds of objects simultaneously with a precision that reaches 0.01 pixels (depending on...

Mini Calculator

Mini Calculator

Alternative Windows Mini Calculator with 2 views, general functions, Dec-Hex-Oct-Bin integers. Colorful, has tips and precision control. And Loan Calculator is also included. It has 2 operating windows - for result and for input. Accumulator - Memory mode...

MeteoExplorer is simple software for analyzing and rendering atmospheric science and geoscience data. It supports popular data formats including WMO GRIB1/GRIB2, NetCDF, and MICAPS, and provides basic GIS functionalities. MeteoExplorer provides advanced...

Calibre Portable

Calibre Portable 2.9 updated

Calibre Portable is program to manage your e-book collection. It acts as an e-library and also allows for format conversion, news feeds to eBook conversion, as well as e-book reader sync features and an integrated e-book viewer. It features library...