
MConvert 9.0

Including the following 27 conversion groups and many subgroups: Acceleration, Angle, Area, Base, Consumption, Currency, Data Storage, Data Transfer, Density, Energy, Energy/Mass, Force, GPS, Illuminance, Length, Luminance, Mass, Permeability, Power,...


MoboMath 2.2.0

MoboMath lets you create math expressions for your favorite applications in your own handwriting. Using a tablet, trackpad, or even a mouse, just write an equation as you normally would, tap Enter to convert it to formatted math, and copy or drag it into...


SermonBase 1.2Q

SermonBase Message Planning Software helps pastors to plan, prepare, archive, and search for any of their sermons. Sermon Writing Software for Pastors & Church Leaders SermonBase(R) is a powerful tool that allows users to track, manage, and create...

Bible Glo

Bible Glo 1.3.4

Glo, The 2010 Bible of the Year, now available for Mac! Download Glo Bible and register to get the Bestselling NIV translation for FREE with full offline access! Existing Glo users: Download the Glo Bible app today, and log in using your Glo account to...


Cameo 2.4

CAMEO is a system of software applications used widely to plan for and respond to chemical emergencies. It is one of the tools developed by EP's Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office (CEPPO) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric...