A step-by-step guide to developing your own Internet business from getting your office set up to deciding on what products you should sell, to marketing and promoting. Nearly 100 pages literally jam-packed with valuable information, quality product,...

Make your ePub ebooks or advertising brochures from MS Word or HTML files, or just convert your current Word documents into ePub format, so that they can be read and spread on eReaders, Tablets and mobile devices, such as nook, iPhone, and iPad. Making...

FlipBook Creator is a PDF to flash flip book conveter software that enables publisher to turn static PDFs into eye catching Digital Flash Flipbooks. With FlippingBook Creator, you don't need any flash skills, only import your PDF, and then choose the...

Desktop author is an electronic publishing software that allows you to create page turning electronic publications including e-brochures, e-catalogs, e-books, multi-media ebooks, multi-media presentations, digital photo albums, e-cards, digital diaries,...