Security Kit

Security Kit 7.x-1.9 / 6.x-1.7

Security Kit helps Drupal admins sleep better at night, knowing their site is much safer and well protected against common, avoidable hacking attempts.While some of the security loopholes it fixes are quite well-known and simple, Security Kit also...

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Browsing History Recommender

Browsing History Recommender 7.x-1.0-alpha6 / 6.x-1.4

The module uses the {history} table that keeps track of 30 days of users' node browsing history. When the "boost comments" option is enabled, the module  takes users' commenting history as browsing history as well.Two new blocks called "Users who...

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Automodal 6.x-1.1 / 7.x-1.x-dev

With this tool, the user can cause links to automatically open in modal dialogs.The module's code simply examines all links in a document and turns any link with the designated CSS selectors (by default, the class automodal), and turns those links into...

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Charts And Graphs

Charts And Graphs 7.x-2.0 / 6.x-2.7

In its base, the module is an API for developers, easily extensible by third-party modules that want to add their own charting implementations.Please read README/INSTALL files of the implementations since their installation may involve downloading Flash...

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Advanced Mail Reroute

Advanced Mail Reroute 7.x-1.0-alpha1 / 6.x-1.4 / 5.x-1.0

The module is great for contact forms with destination selectors, allowing the user to select the address to which an email must go to.The Advanced Mail Reroute module is very easy to use and is designed to be used on both development and production...

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ModuleInfo 7.x-1.5 / 6.x-1.2 / 5.x-1.1

ModuleInfo is definitely a module that targets developers, providing them with a comprehensive inside look of all the functions, hooks, paths, and schema info that other modules and themes add to the current site.  This information can then be used...

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Drupal e-Commerce

Drupal e-Commerce 7.x-4.7-beta1 / 6.x-4.6 / 5.x-3.6

The Drupal e-Commerce module was built to prevent the Drupal CMS from losing users whenever they need e-commerce support on their sites.This module enables webmasters to run a simple online shop right from Drupal's backend, without having to make serious...

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Sticker sheets are Durpal nodes that can be used by any modules working with nodes, such as CCK or Views. Installation: Unpack in your modules folder (usually '/sites/all/modules/')Enable under Administer > Site Building >...

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CouchDB Integration

CouchDB Integration 7.x-1.x-dev / 6.x-1.x-dev

It is an experimental module, and should not be used in production websites. Installation: Unpack in your modules folder (usually '/sites/all/modules/')Enable under Administer > Site Building > ModulesWhat is new in this release:Cut a...

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