
PBCore 7.x-1.0-beta1 / 6.x-1.0-beta3

The initial release of this module creates 3 tables and populates them with items from the Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary.Functions allow to return arrays of active items to use in other modules.These arrays can be used with CCK. The 2.x branch...

Zend Framework (Drupal)

Zend Framework (Drupal) 7.x-2.0-alpha1 / 6.x-2.x-dev / 5.x-2.x-dev

The Zend Framework is a powerful open source web application framework for developing PHP 5 web applications.The Zend Framework module is a Drupal API module that makes the framework accessible to other Drupal modules.Installation: - Unpack in your...

REST Client

REST Client 7.x-1.0 / 6.x-1.0 / 5.x-1.x-dev

This module is for module developers and shouldn't be enabled unless specifically required.Installation:Unpack in your modules folder (usually /sites/all/modules/) and enable under Administer > Site Building > Modules.Features:Streams large...

Front Page

Front Page 7.x-2.1 / 6.x-1.3 / 5.x-1.9

It will allow webmasters to show various versions of the homepage to different user roles.Installation: - Upload or copy the 'front' directory and its content to your MODULES folder. - Go to the ADMINISTER section of your drupal site. - Click on...


Magento 6.x-2.0-beta1

Magento is one of the most famous, open-source e-Commerce solution. Magento offers a very nice back-end interface, but suffer of lack of CMS capabilities.Installing Magento modules on a Drupal site, it will be able to run Magento as back-end only.Cart,...

PHP Configuration

PHP Configuration 7.x-1.0 / 6.x-1.0

With the PHP Configuration module installed, admins won;t have to edit their php.ini files anymore.The module will setup a special page in the Drupal backend where rules can be added, overwriting the ones in the php.ini file if they already exist.WSOD...

Form Maker (Drupal)

Form Maker (Drupal) 7.x-2.5 / 6.x-2.5

Form Maker was developed so website administrators can build Web forms utilizing an easy to use graphical interface.The module comes with support for the most common form field types, built-in spam protection, and a few templates to quickly get webmasters...


MediaFront 7.x-2.2 / 6.x-1.6

The MediaFront module is a front end media solution for Drupal.It employs an innovative and intuitive administration interface that allows the website administrator to completely customize the front end media experience for their users without writing any...


Autocache 7.x-1.5 updated

Besides the concept of views and nodes, working with the Drupal caching system is probably one of the big impediments that has kept Drupal out of the grasp of normal, non-technical users.The Autocache module provides a much simpler way for automating what...


Webform 7.x-4.9 / 6.x-3.23 / 5.x-2.10 updated

Webform is just a way for Drupal developers to build custom forms and use on their site.Additionally to letting them build custom form structures, developers can also add email notifications to the form sending operation, one for the user, and one for the...