sphinxjp.shibukawa contains the calendar Sphinx extension using Google Chart.This extension enable you to insert charts and graphs in your Sphinx document. Following code is sample:.. schedule:: item1: 10/1 - 10/3 item2: 10/4 - 10/6 item3:...

sphinxcontrib-blockdiag is a Python module that contains the blockdiag Sphinx extension.This extension enable you to insert block diagrams in your Sphinx document. Following code is sample:.. blockdiag:: diagram { A -> B -> C; B ->...

sphinxcontrib-seqdiag contains the seqdiag Sphinx extension.This extension enable you to insert sequence diagrams in your Sphinx document. Following code is sample:.. seqdiag:: diagram { browser => webserver =>...


nwdiag 0.9.4

nwdiag is a Python tool to generate network-diagram image file from spec-text file.You can get some examples and generated images on tk0miya.bitbucket.org.Setup:by easy_installMake environment: easy_install nwdiagby buildoutMake environment:hg clone...

sphinxcontrib-nwdiag contains the nwdiag Sphinx extension.This extension enable you to insert network diagrams in your Sphinx document. Following code is sample:.. nwdiag:: diagram { network { web01; web02; } network { web01;...