
FoldMonkey 1.86 updated

FoldMonkey will help you sort, organize, archive and backup your files and folders. Main features include: Monitor a folder for new or incoming files. Rename those files to match specific criteria using tags such as old file name, old file extension and...

Append data to the start or end of many file names, folder names or file contents. Append tags such as file name, file extension and folder path. Delete lines of text from inside files from the start or end of file contents. Remove characters from many...

Import delimited or non-delimited file or folder name lists from plain text source files. Rename multiple files or create folders. Imported file names are automatically filtered for illegal characters and path information. Side by side comparison...


FileMonkey 10.99

The FileMonkey file operations package automates common file management tasks. Main features include: Perform search and replace on multiple file contents, names or folder names using wildcards such as asterisk. Rename files or folders to match a sequence...