
FreeSizer 1.0

FreeSizer is an easy to use tool to quickly create resized copies of your pictures that can be sent by email or uploaded to the web. Simply drag and drop one or more photos into the list, select a resizing profile and click a button. No need to fiddle...

FreeSizer(64-bit) is an easy to use tool to quickly create resized copies of your pictures that can be sent by email or uploaded to the web. Simply drag and drop one or more photos into the list, select a resizing profile and click a button. No need to...

FreeSizer Portable is an easy to use tool to quickly create resized copies of your pictures that can be sent by email or uploaded to the web. Simply drag and drop one or more photos into the list, select a resizing profile and click a button. No need to...



RoboSizer is a fully automatic photo resizing tool that automatically shrinks and optimizes your images whenever you attach them to an email message, send them by instant messenger or upload them to the web. The program is amazingly easy to use, simply...