Smart Ad-Wrapper is AdWords tool that allows wrapping adwords, dynamically increase or decries bids, change landing page URLs, positions and Bids for keywords and more. Smart Ad-Wrapper wraps keyword phrases in "quotation marks" (phrase match) and [square...

PowerTerm Plus, Ericom Software's terminal emulation product for Unix, maximize the capabilities of legacy systems with a minimal amount of installation time and software space. Because PowerTerm Plus has a small footprint, it is easily installable on any...

AdWords Clever Wizard is an extremely easy to use keywords suggestion and research software. With it, you will quickly discover your target keywords with low competition and high demand. Such information is essential for everyone who use Google AdWords or...

Do you need to collaborate your schedule with friends and colleagues, but don't want to move away from the calendar client you already know and love? Calgoo Connect is for you! Skip the hurdles of migrating to a new platform. Calgoo Connect allows you...